Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This Church Is True and Miracles Happen

A few weeks ago, I saw a family from Tonga sitting in the congregation at church. A mother, and 3 children. I felt impressed that I needed to go talk to them, but after the service, I got busy talking to others before I had a chance to go up to them, and sadly enough, I forgot about them.

Luckily for me, she had requested to have us over for dinner, that very day! ( There is a meal calendar that members of the church get to sign up to have us missionaries over, since we have limited funds to provide for ourselves.) So I was happy to see that she too was impressed by the spirit, and had us over.

So as we went over to her house, and as we got to know her, we discovered that she has a husband, who is not a member of the church, and wants nothing to do with the church in fact! But before we left, we got him to come downstairs and we talked to him very briefly. He told us he was a Methodist, and isn't interested, but we somehow got him to agree to have us over to talk to him just one time to tell him just what the church is all about!

Here is what is so cool... we just recently had a missionary from Tonga just move to a nearby area in the district. We had him come over because we just knew he would be our best bet to be able to work with this dear brother.

So I set up an exchange to happen, and this missionary, Elder Moala, came to our area to meet this family. So it was he and my companion (I went to the other area) and Elder Moala taught him in Tongan. The whole time, he was talking in Tongan, and my companion was just pretty much praying, and bore his testimony at the end, saying that he knows that it is true too. At the end of the lesson, Elder Moala was crying, Brother F. was crying, his sweet wife was crying, and was just in shock. Brother F. felt a powerful witness that the church was true, and he wanted to get baptized the very next day!

What!? So coool!!!

So Elder Moala set a baptismal date for the 5th of March, and he will come over weekly to teach in Tongan. Wow, I am just so amazed with what God can do, and that He can touch the hearts of anyone, if we are just willing to listen. I too, know that God lives, and He loves us all. This church is true, and miracles happen.

UPDATE:  I forgot one part! Brother F. works mornings and his wife works evenings, so they are never home together except on Sunday. On this morning, Brother F. woke up and didn't get ready for work and he never takes work off! She was so surprised and asked him, "Why aren't you getting ready for work today? What is wrong?" He replied, "I just feel like I need to stay home today. I don't know why, I just feel like something is gonna happen, and I need to be here."
(Talk about epic! I can't believe I forgot that part!)

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