Monday, September 27, 2010

In Wilmington For One More Transfer

Hey i know that i have been blowing through my personal like stupid, and im actually thinking about chopping it up so i dont spend any of it. It gets tough though we dont get fed and we dont really have time to make something good. I just need to stop eating out! I promise that i will. i need to. also i have a new companion. He has been out about 17 months now so i wont be killing him but he definitely does have some experience under his belt. he has actually already served in my ward before, so he already knows alot of the members and the area, so i dont imagine me being here too much longer. I might be headed out in November. :) we'll see though. So we had three confirmations yesterday! and it was an awesome fast and testimony meeting! Everyone pretty much bore their testimony about missionary work, and you can see how the ward is getting really excited now! (it only took 9 baptisms lol) we've been really blessed lately, and this transfer i want to get more involved into the community some how.. but anyways one of the baptisms we had her name is Jocelyn, she is Puerto Rican (i think i spelled that right..?) and she is 17. Awesome young woman, she had asked me to baptize her. :D And our ward mission leader Brother Hooper baptized our other convert Kervin. He is from Liberia. Being on a mission is so much fun!
So i am very glad to see that you received the box? What did everyone think? It was pretty cool i got the note from dad in the box about sending pictures with little notes on the back, (and i did, and yes that is Hockessin, but no members in that neighborhood, yet) did dad like his coke and new cup? i have some time today to write letters, my new comp will be unpacking. I'll also talk about my mad bribing skills. So hows life in Las Vegas? How did Ryans date go with Jessica? :) And so some quick advice that Elder Oldham had given me, pack up food in those glad containers or somethin. Those cookies that i got were powder, i opened it up and the first thing i remember sayin was was this supposed to be some type of powder? it might have been cookies my comp says lol so sorry but the rolls are good still. the box that i got though must have been tossed around a bit, it looked real trashed. :( oh well, i know they were made with love still. ) Thank you for the cord though, i forgot my camera today, but next week i'll try and send out some stuff online. so my big goal this transfer is to work on humility. Last transfer was all about obedience and diligence. Well i am all out of like shaving cream and soap and shampoo and toothpaste so i will be spending some money today i am sorry, when we get more money next month, i am going to try really hard to keep myself on a very strict budget. Well dont really know what else to say, no we do not live with any other missionaries, but we do live pretty close to other Elders though. Love ya guys very much, hope to hear from ya soon, and take care.
all my love Elder Harris

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