Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear Harris Clan,

(Handwritten letter from Corey dated March 23, 2011.)

We decided to be bums for P-day so I am not doing anything at the moment, but I felt as though I should write to you all. I have no idea what to say but here it goes.

I love and miss you all. It seems the longer I'm away, the closer we get too. I am so grateful for all of you guy's support and prayers. They truly have helped me.

Tyler, I am so proud of you! You choosing to serve a mission will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make in your life. Now you might say it was an easy choice, but I can promise you, your faithfulness will be tested while you're in the field. Tyler, always "choose the right" way, rather than choosing to go the easier route. You're going to have some tough times, but never ever give up hope! Be positive!  From personal experience, prayer has helped me to fortify my faith and hope for the best in times of stress. You're gonna do great. There isn't a whole bunch for me to give you advice on, your mission will be completely different. I'll write again before you head out!

So I was just thinking, it's been 14 months now! Holy cow time flies so much! I've been reading the conference talks in the Ensign, Elder Eyring's talk about service. Now I am in an area where we provide much service. I was reflecting more about all the service back home in helping me prepare for a mission. Dad, you're probably the most service able man I know. Thank you for your example, dedication and hard work in helping others in times of need. I can honestly say that my fondest memories where when we had helped someone in need, providing service for others. So thank you! I sure will do the same with my kids!

So being out here in the boonies is quite fun! I've never done so much driving before in my life! We drive a brand new Chevy Colorado. We have to do a bit of offroading. Missionary work is really fun out here! LOL. Speaking of missionary work, Mom I know that you will be talking about that later this week, might I add a few words and my testimony to that lesson you'll be preparing?

Missionary work is perhaps one of the greatest things a person can do. It is only through missionary work that all of God's children can receive the eternal blessings that are in store for us all. It is only because of missionary work that my own family is sealed for time and all eternity. Many of us, including myself, have friends who are not of the faith. It is our sacred duty to "lift our voices as a sound of a trump" and "preach the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, person." As you do missionary work, the Lord has promised that "great shall be your joy". Invite friends to activities and to church. "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." If your loved ones chose not to heed the invite then it is your obligation to "join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls who knew not God." A true friend would "lay down his life for his friends." Do you love your friends enough to do all you can to help them receive the fullness of the everlasting gospel? I know that this is his work and glory. God desires all of His children to return to live with Him. That won't happen unless we do all we can to help them accept this message. As an ordained minister of the gospel, and a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bear my testimony that this is the Lord's work, and we are on His errand, and it is one of the most important things we can do in life today. I know that this gospel is true, and that God lives. I love and miss you all, it's my humble prayer that we can all become even more missionary minded! God be with you until we meet again! In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Elder Harris

PS - Well that's my letter to the youth! I hope it helps! Sorry if it seems random too, I just wrote whatever came to me. I love you guys! You're the best, have an awesome week!

(Corey back in March 1999 on his baptism day with his Dad.)

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Mighty Change Of Heart

Dear Family,
I can't even describe the love that I feel for not only you guys, but for all of God's children. I had an experience this past weekend that written words, and perhaps even verbal, won't do any justice of what I had experienced. Let me explain;

I have realized now that God truly is there for us, and He wants the best for all of His children. He puts certain people in our lives to help us to return to live with Him, and to have Eternal Happiness. My companion, Elder Dynes, who is currently the District Leader gave an excellent meeting discussion about the Doctrine of Christ. Now this is stuff that I know already, but never before had I ever really internalized it into my thick skull. Our purpose as missionaries is to "Invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the Restored Gospel by through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End." All are basic principles that members of the Church understand, but for me, I had the knowledge in my head, but never before was it actually in my heart. I help and invite others to change their ways and their hearts, but I realized I need to invite and help myself as well. Then I talked to you guys on Mothers Day, and it seemed so short. Maybe like a minute long it felt, of what was actually an hour long conversation. I miss and love you guys, and I could feel that from you as well. After our phone call, I prayed for probably a good half hour while my companion was talking to his family. I prayed that I could change, if not for God, or even myself, then for my family, because I don't ever ever want to let any of those whom I care most about down. I basically prayed for everyone and everything, and I had been the most sincere about it in a long time. I prayed for a miracle to happen.

So following my prayer I immediately started reading through the Book of Mormon, since scripture is a means where you receive personal revelation from our Father in Heaven. I stumbled somehow to Ether 12:27. Now, I have read this scripture a number of times before but never did I really think about that promise that God actually gives us. It just hit me right then like, "Duh!" haha I realized that if I am to change my character, and fix any flaws, to become somewhat remotely close to perfect as the savior commands us to be, it is through God. He will help us, IF we let Him, and allow Him to. It requires humility.

Then Tuesday happened, May 10, 2011. We had a zone conference, and this is how I can maybe better explain that the Church is so true! Where else would you see 50 or more young men, aged 19-25, who are all weeping, because they felt the Spirit of God, and had so much love toward everyone and everything! I know of no other place where that happens! We were basically instructed about being like Captain Moroni, firm, undaunted, and exactly obedient. He fought the fight with the adversary, Satan, and did the best he could to serve God. We also watched a video of Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in the MTC this past January, instructing missionaries that we are to be like Peter, to not ever go back to our old ways. There is no going back to this evil, carnally-minded world when I return home from my mission. I am to step forward with faith, and preach the gospel to all, full-time missionary or member missionary. After Elder Hollands remarks, all the missionaries bore their testimonies of what they felt, and the Spirit was packed in that small chapel in Nazareth, PA. I felt an overwhelmingly sense of urgency, and such a strong desire to change. I was crying so much, but they were not sad tears, they were answers to my prayers. After the meeting, I sat down with my mission president, President Schaefermeyer for about 20 minutes discussing about my spiritual re-birth. About my desire to change to fully help myself, to rid myself of all pride, and to most importantly, to serve my God. I was then given a priesthood blessing, and now I've never felt this type of fire before to do all that I can. To finally live up to my full potential of a disciple of Christ. I bear my testimony, that I know that God lives and that he does love us, and will allow us to grow and change our hearts, if we humble ourselves, recognize our imperfections and repent, and become "even as a little child." I know that this church that I represent, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom on the earth today. I know that the Savior died for us all, but only for those that will actually follow Him, as He beckons us to, "Follow Thou Me." I know that change is possible, and it is necessary for all of us if we truly want peace and happiness in this life, and in the world to come. This is my testimony, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.